At the Global AI Bill of Rights, we are writing the first drafts of the rights all of us will share in the decades and centuries to come. Our work focuses on identifying and understanding the core and immutable rights that each of
us should have, without question, and without limitations. We believe for any AI Bill of Rights to be adopted, it needs to be global and easily adapted by different governments and the domestic companies that operate within their borders.
An AI Bill of Rights has to be global since there is no way to realistically contain an algorithm, AI system, or online platform within geographical borders. We interact with systems and companies from around the world without ever thinking about where it was created, who the owner is, or how our information is being used. We generally don’t become aware of any of the details about a company, system, algorithm, etc., until there is an issue and it’s too late by that time.
If the world is made up of a patchwork of regulations based on different core understandings of user rights, there will always be gray oases for companies to take advantage of users. From companies having access to photos, messages, and other sensitive information that it shouldn’t while sending the information to databases to be stored, analyzed, and used without your knowledge. It’s clear that downloading an app, using a website, or connecting to a network have different rules depending on where they are located, created, and managed.
While a Bill of Rights would have to be global to avoid the development of gray oases, the rights also must be universal and not just reflective of one way of thinking, be overly western/eastern, or require any culture to diverge from their beliefs vis-à-vis user rights. The rights should reflect universal rights that anyone, in any country, regardless of position, would agree with as being in alignment with rights everyone should have.
The AI Bill of Rights we have proposed has been developed so that any government would be able to take the letter and spirit of what we have written and craft legislation that is unique to the nation. We believe this provides the greatest degree of applicability of the overall rights. Each government, culture, and tech ecosystem is afforded the autonomy to define the details for their unique circumstances.
We encourage you to reach out to us if you would like to participate in the project, support our work, or apply the Global AI Bill of Rights in your business or government.